Friday 30 May 2014

"Potter's House" by Tramaine Hawkins

Tramaine Hawkins
Picture taken from: 

In case you have fallen by the wayside of life
Dreams and visions shattered, you're all broken inside
You don't have to stay in the shape that you're in
The potter wants to put you back together again
Oh, the potter wants to put you back together again

In case your situation has turned upside down
And all that you've accomplished is now on the ground
You don't have to stay in the shape that you're in
The potter wants to put you back together again
Oh, the potter wants to put you back together again

You who are broken, stop by the potter's house
You who need mending, stop by the potter's house
Give Him the fragments of your broken life
My friend, the potter wants to put you back together again
Oh, the potter wants to put you back together again

Joy in the potter's house
Peace in the potter's house
Love in the potter's house

There is salvation in the potter's house
There is healing in the potter's house
There is deliverance in the potter's house
You'll find everything you need in the potter's house

The potter wants to put you back together again
Oh, the potter wants to put you back together again

Picture taken from:

Everyday is made for living
Without the disruption of fear

With my chest exposed
My thumping heart heard and seen
Beating at the thrill of an embrace 
I love and receive love

Who says this is a chore?
A wasteful and dangerous exercise?
It is I,
The woman whose thumping heart felt a jaded knife sinking deeply
Through every vein and artery 
Sinking mercilessly
I felt it. I still remember.

Life is made for living 
Again and again we find mercy, healing and forgiveness at its feet
Always, now and forever. 
My heart remembers the joy more than it does the pain
I'm healed
It remembers its embrace
I'm forgiven
My arms are open once again
I will love
I was born to love
I was born to love

For Dear Dr. Angelou

Dr. Maya Angelou (1928-2014)
Picture taken from:

I’ve learnt to be a woman
I’ve learnt not to be burdened with shame
I am made for living
For loving
I am made woman

My kindness is my strength,
No need to hide it out of fear,
My intelligence is for nations
I’ll share it with every boy, girl, man and woman
I am made, woman.
Made to serve my nation
Made to serve the purpose of my Master

Mama Angelou flew
With her feet both on the ground
Her heart gave her words wings to fly,
To sore over the cold tumultuous oceans,
Passed the highest mountains
By-passed stringent security systems to find me
Her words found me
In search of tangible knowledge, her words found me.
She called me Phenomenal Woman

I am made, woman
Phenomenal woman
Capacious woman
Visible woman
Diverse woman
I am what I am

Your words found me Khulu,
They reaffirmed the qualities which existed within,
They say I am enough
Just as I am
I am enough
Your word have contributed to this growth
Your words will continue to build me
I am enough

You were every woman

Rest in peace, my love. 

Photographer: Danielle Durandt
For Clothe Her By Charlie Rose Season 1

Hi, when last?

*Awkward smile*

When last indeed?

The last time I shared my journey was in February, we are now in May & soon approaching June! Ordinarily I would condemn myself for not writing for such a long time but neglect the plausible reasons which justify my silence. This is by no means a veiled apology, it's just me putting it out there, I was living, a lot.

So it has been close to 3 months not talking to myself publicly (Blogging to me is essentially me time but in public) and a lot has happened. A lot of myself has been revealed to me but above that I have seen and experienced redemptive qualities the human race has, although I feel that I have been the most angriest, disillusioned and "angst", I will say that God's glory has been manifesting through people in my favour. I am utterly grateful. This year does actually feel like a new chapter with characters from previous chapters playing a more meaningful role in my life, friendships which were at a stale mate due to the fleeting process of time are now more present than they ever were before and I am becoming more aware of the complexity of being a human being. There's so much work which needs to be done everyday because each moment informs the next. Nothing can be left to chance but by grace our actions do not necessarily determine our breakthroughs, not entirely. God knows our purpose, we just need to know it and be unapologetically protective of it because it is the only valid reason why we are alive.

There's an overwhelming sense to write more, share more, pray more and engage God on issues concerning the human journey here on earth. There is a need to question and ask Him what is this thing that He want us to do, that He ultimately want us to become before we reunite with Him in heaven. The church, in its varied institutions can't tap into the collect heart of the people and thus, can't deal with intrinsic issues which we try mystify behind our jobs & various obsessions etc. I've seen the value of grabbing onto wisdom which comes from people, once you've arrived on unfamiliar territory you learn very, very quickly not to be picky in terms of who gives you wisdom. The knowledge and wisdom of God is everywhere and it is available to you if you choose to listen.

I hope to write more, share more and listen. I hope this post reaches those who need it most. We are burdened by many ordeals everyday, we are in need of hope and grace every single day.

Jesus is King
We are because He is.