Monday 27 January 2014

Day 6: My 60 Day Challenge!

So I decided to go on this fitness and healthy journey 6 days ago and the only thing I've managed to do thus far is to eat according to the guidelines I've set for myself. Yesterday I gave myself a yummy treat: fried steak! With the fatty part skillfully spiced and crisp-yum! Today I'm pretty much chugging down litres of water as a consequence.

The day after I announced that I'm embarking on this 60-day challenge I worked myself to a stand-still! I googled some cardio work-outs and was a zombie an hour later! I haven't worked out since because I know tI have teabo today at 17h30 and I realised that I need a gym-buddy. I need someone who will motivate me and someone I can motivate as well. I have three people in mind that I need to communicate with, namely: Nyiko Mgiba who is studying at the University of Johannesburg, his younger brother Ntsako who is going to study at the University of Cape Town and Thandiwe Mqokeli, a trainee performer at the Steve Biko Center in Ginsberg. Thandiwe is also an instructor at our Tuesday and Thursday amateur contemporary dance classes. Nyiko inspires me cause he constantly updates his bbm friends (which I am one of) on his exercise regime and his progress. His younger brother Ntsako challenges him and little Ntsaks has a six-pack, so best believe I want that backing on this challenge, Thandiwe is a passionate performer who is well on her way to getting a rock-hard body like world-renowned South African Dancer Mamela Nyamza. Mamela is FIRE and her physic is a BLAZING INFERNO! I need to go ICU every time my eyes catch sight of her body. Fat fears her body, hence it buuurrrnnssss :-)

I am really excited about this challenge but I need to work on the fitness element of this challenge, I currently follow blogs which inspire me to work harder, "Fitness Barbie" and "Attempting Skinny" are Tumblr blogs worth checking out! "Fitness Barbie" has a cardio work-out which consists of sprinting- I would love to try that out! I have a knee issue but I can't let it paralyse me from having the body I want and leading an active lifestyle. My faith needs to grow for it to be completely healed. I hate running but I would rather perfect my running abilities before I'm put in a situation where I have to run (I don't want to look like an awkward non-runner). The thing is, I usually leave the house at 07h15 and this would mean that I will have to wake up at like 05h15 so I can be on the road by 05h30! Aaaaaah *inserts whaling emoticon*. I have to but still *cries some more*. I have to!

So leading a healthier lifestyle will also help me be conscious of my sleeping habits, so no late night t.v viewing for me, a book then catch some Zzzzzzz's. I guess I will be experiencing health to its fullest. All of these changes are a bit overwhelming as I think about them, so rather let me allow each facet of this lifestyle change take place as I live. I guess.

I still owe you folks a pic, I need to get to the nearest pharmacy to weigh myself first. Today I'm nervous and overwhelmed.

-Mathabo Tlali

Mamela Nyamaza

Mamela Nyamza

Mamela Nyamza

Nyiko Mgiba
Image: Facebook

Ntsako Mgiba
Image: Facebook


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