Wednesday 22 January 2014

Healthy body: My 60 Day Challenge!

I'm super nervous but excited at the same time, my very private dream is going to materialise tonight, I'm going to start putting pen to paper and account for all of my weight gain, weight loss, lifestyle changes etc. I'm going to do it on my blog!

I've had this silent dream for a while now and proud to say that I have forgiven and forgotten all of my past mistakes and negligence pertaining to my weight, I'm happy and excited! Yesterday I started going to amateur contemporary dance classes, I walk for at least 1h15min to work 4 times a week, I've changed my diet and I'm starting teabo  next week :) I'm excited (I can't stop repeating this word).

In the past I have always had an immature and impatient approach to weight-loss (basically if I do not see result in three days-I'm out!), after reading numerous articles on weight-loss and following health and fitness blogs I have decided to try out a 60 Day Challenge. I don't know how much I weigh (bleh) but I do know that I wear a size 36 & 38 (I think that's sizes 12 & 14), my tummy and thighs are my personal areas of concern but now I realise that I should be more concerned about whats happening inside my body because that determines my outlook on life. Today is the 22nd of January so on the 22 of March (oh heck, I didn't realise that's my birthday), I would like to be a regular size 34 (I do realise how ambiguous this is, I need to get a scale, nervous!).

I am keen to smile (more than I do now) when I look in the mirror, I do not want my weight to determine what style I wear or how confident I am (which it is at the moment). I want to focus on the long term benefits of weight-loss ie being fit enough to play with my children, not being susceptible to opportunistic diseases which come with access fat, running around, swimming and playing on the beach confidently (I am a beach-baby, the ocean is my home), having a great love-life with my mayns (hey-hey-hey!) and being able to experience and enjoy the outdoors fully and not tire when I have to walk long-distances. I'm a bean! I'm keen!

The only issue I have had with weight-loss is that I tend to picture myself having Beyonce and Kim Kardashian's bodies (those ladies are the sexiest and most comfortable in their curves I believe) and that often cause me to imagine my body a sex-symbol (which I'm HIGHLY against!). My body is not for sexual consumption! I am beautiful, sexy and attractive (among other things), these three qualities are part of EVERY individual. I believe that the outlook you have on yourself determines whether those qualities radiate or diminish, I want them to radiate, not for man's (sic) pleasure but because being confident is part of the human experience which God designed. Coming across as a sexy or attractive person are by-products of being confident in who you are (in what God has deposited in you) because you have come to love and appreciate yourself. Mna, I'm keen.

With my mind being renewed to understanding the function of my body, I will feel less pressure to conform to what being "healthy" is deemed to be, I will not compete with others nor impose this God-directed journey onto anyone. I do not want to be a slave to the scale or dress size, I want to be focused and enjoy the ride. Fit, healthy, radiant and focused :-). I used to say that I wanted a Jamaican or Brazilian body (I know how problematic my labeling is here) but now I want Mathabo's Healthy Body, the body which is going to move in unimaginable ways on stage, the body which will be seen and appreciated by my children and husband, this body will house an equally fit and healthy mind and spirit where God will radiate in His glory. I am His, He is beautiful therefore everything about my life (via the help of the spirit) needs to capture/encompass everything which He has revealed Himself to be in my life. A body radiating God's goodness, aaahhh :-)

Keen to share my diet and lifestyle plans with you and feel free to share your tips with me too :-) I will try be as open as possible with pictures and all (eek!), I'm keen though. I want to see and experience this change for myself, it's about time I actively take care of myself holistically.

So thus far my diet will comprise of:
*All fruits and vegetables
*All meats (aint nobody telling me to quit eating meat!)
*Dried fruit and raisins (anyone who knows me knows that raisins are my thang!)
*Almond and cashews nuts (Yuck!)
*Green tea (YAY!)
*Greek and plain yogurt (Greek being first preference)
*Pop corn
*Skim Milk
NB: Watching my portions is also a key factor here.

*Processed starch esp. bread, dumpling, mielie-meal pap. (Lord help me)
*Processed beverages ie fizzy drinks and fruit juice
*Sweets and chips :( (Farewell lovers)

I'll add more stuff if I've forgotten them now. My skin is so keen to soak and illuminate all the goodness which comes from the above yumminess. I want to lead a healthy lifestyle, one which will inspire my children to eat healthily and not experience the hardships I experienced with weight and health.

After the 22 of March we'll see what happens.

I'm keen lovies, in 3, 2, 1 go!

Mathabo Tlali

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